My Story


I’m a total art enthusiast and have been since childhood. Fine art, music, and journalism carried and developed my skills as an artisan while working with and learning from a diverse group of talented professionals in the photography industry.

Blessed with a strong curiosity in the ways of the world, when I looked at my surroundings through the lens of a camera it intrigued me. To capture moments that express creativity, while creating artistic images that evoke emotion. Both classic and creative, always striving to achieve a timeless balance.

I am married to the love of my life.  My business partner, photo assistant, graphic designer, webmaster, oil changer, soux chef, adventure buddy, and biggest supporter.  An incrediby talented artist and musician, he continually challenges and inspires me.  Together we have two awesome children who mean the whole world to us.  In 2010 we added a new baby to our family, Miss Penny Layne, our 2.5 pound Yorkie.

As a Christian, mother, wife, and entrepreneur, I strive to bring the same heart-felt passion and care to my clients.  Thankfully, my dreams became reality and I am able to bring my appreciation of art and beauty to life.

Clients include couples, families, babies, celebrities, models, and commercial firms.

Thank you for taking the time to view my work.

Oh…..and I like shoes, paper products and things that are teeny, but I’m thinking you don’t really want to know that stuff.  But if you do….click here. 🙂



So do you REALLY want to know all of that ^^^^^  Nah! I didn’t think so!  You want to connect with me on a personal level, so it’s easier to make a decision on whether or not you can trust me.  With your story, with your family, with your children, with your memories and with your time.

So here’s what you *really* want to know!

  • I like nachos  LOVE nachos.  Seriously would have them for dinner every night.  Yup.  Dinner.  Throw some chicken in there and you’ve got yourself a well balanced meal.
  • I put red pepper on TOO many things.  Why?  Because it’s awesome, that’s why!
  • I love road trips to nowhere. Crank up the music, or just drive for hours “sharing feelings” <– my husband’s most favorite thing to do.
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I’m sarcastic ^ yes, really.
  • My favorite movies are romantic comedies. Yes, romantic comedies. What do you expect?  I’m a girl – who works around “love” for a living!
  • I like joy. Yes, as a noun.
  • I’ve been told I make the best Apple Pie.  But I wouldn’t know this because I don’t like to eat Apple Pie. Not even a little. Maybe a bite of the crust, but cooked apples just seem wrong. Unless they are sauteed on the side of a spicy Hot Peppered Pork Loin! YES <<Because I LIKE hot pepper! See ^^ LOL
  • I mean it when I say that I like paper products.  Yes, it’s weird. I could spend the day at Staples browsing notebooks, journals and post-its.  You’d have to send in a search party if I ever run into a Barnes & Noble.
  • I also love Home Depot or Lowes, or any other general hardware store.  I like to build things.  Like walls, and shelves, and furniture if I had the talent to do so. But mostly I prefer working with wood.  My father in law once bought me my own tool belt and a hard hat that said, “Angie Villa”. It was supposed to be a joke, but now I have my own tool belt for projects! <—Lots of convenient pockets to hold stuff!!
  • I used to play the piano.  Used to. I wasn’t too bad either.  Before that was a flute. Tried the guitar.  Loved the sound of that, but didn’t feel right. I’d love to try the violin or maybe the cello. I studied music, appreciation and theory for years.  I just loved music – ALL kinds of music.  I finally realized that I don’t need to play music to have a musicians heart. I have a musician’s heart, I just haven’t found my instrument.
  • I love to go on adventures.  To travel and to see new things.  I usually have to convince my husband that this is a GOOD trait, because he usually prefers to stay home. We balance each other well.
  • I’m a night owl, but I don’t like to sleep in either.  I just prefer to never sleep. I never want my day to end.  Now if only I could convince my body that this is a good idea, it would be perfect.
  • I love my kids.  I know that may seem obvious, but I really do like them a lot. We got some good ones.
  • I love my husband.  Again obvious, but I really do love him.  Like, a lot. Like we are never ending teenagers that can’t stand to be a apart.  Our friends sometimes get nauseous.  But that’s ok.  I’m happy to be nauseous around any one of you.
  • Oh – and Yankees, Giants, and Devils.