Welliver Fall Session | Angelsea Urban New Jersey Lifestyle Family Photographer

You know that feeling you get when it’s a perfect fall day? When you can smell the pumpkin spice lattes from a mile away and the crisp air makes your nose a little red? Where the leaves are both on the trees still beautiful in all of their glorious colors and everywhere around you making it irresistible to grab a bunch and throw it in the air?

Maybe you try your best to resist scuffing your new boots, but you just can’t help yourself from making the loud crunching and swishing noises by dragging your feet through endless piles of freshly fallen leaves.

It’s fall. And you can’t wait to grab your favorite mug of warm apple cider and sit fireside wrapped in a blanket with your favorite people in the world.

Enter the Welliver Family.

Michelle & Scott seriously have the cutest kids on the planet, (not including my own of course ;-)). And I don’t just mean their infectious laughs or adorable smiles. But their contagious joy.

These are my most favorite moments. In life and in my work.

Thank you to the Welliver Family for allowing me share in those moments, with you.







































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November 20, 2012 - 8:42 pm

Ellen - Angie you are an amazingly BRILLIANT photographer….I am in awe! And the Wellivers were great subjects, of course!!!!

November 20, 2012 - 9:20 am

Michelle Welliver - Ahh, You are amazingly talented Angie! I LOVE how beautifully you captured our family. Thank you!!!

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