Embracing technology | Angelsea Urban

We put popcorn in our microwaves, we FaceTime our kids, we even order Pizza through the internet, but how often do we have the opportunity pick up our entire office and work from an entirely different location utilizing all of 2012’s technology?

Being self employed, I still often feel shackled to my office. While it’s wonderful that I am *able* to pick up and go, and work from anywhere in the world, I often don’t. Actually, not really ever. Maybe onto the deck on a nice day with my laptop, or check email from my iPad while waiting for an appointment at Starbucks, but to be completely free of my office would be a hassle.

This week Steve was being sent to Chicago on a business trip and he asked if I would be interested in tagging along. After initially scoffing at the idea of how impossible that would be with 2 kids, 2 businesses and the craziness of the middle of summer – in the peak season – I gave it some serious thought and realized that it wouldn’t be that impossible after all. In fact, it would finally give me the push I needed to break some old habits and fully embrace the idea of taking advantage of all that technology offers.

Through Remote Desktop Connections to my home base computer, online cloud storage, NAS backup systems, small portable USB hard drives, Bluetooth technology and being married to an IT guy, I was able to bring everything I needed for the week in my Kelly Moore Hobo Bag with my “office” in my carry on.

And so I began.  Editing from my laptop, uploading galleries poolside, texting clients, virtually signing contracts, online banking, fulfilling print orders, interoffice communications via google docs with Caity & Sonya, and nightly calls to my kiddos,who are having a blast with Grandpa & Grandma in Connecticut. Even finding a specialized battery store to find a replacement for my off camera flash transmitter through Google Maps on my phone. And the joy that came finding out that it was only a mile away!

Old habits die hard. And though I do miss having 19 windows open at the same time on my 27″ desktop screen, I could get used to doing everything on my 15″ laptop.  Especially if that means some freedom and enjoying the perks of NOT having to work in any particular place. And it was kind of nice that there were no outlets by the pool which forced me to take a break – and a dip.

I look forward to apartment living again someday. Something about having everything you need right there (and what you really need isn’t much at all).  And I’ve also learned a big lesson this week: Not having to cook or clean frees up LOADS of time! 😉 Hmm…..

While it’s been fun living this kind of life again this week and going on a date every night has been divine (just being able to have a conversation for more than 45 seconds was a treat)! But while we looked over and saw a family wrestling with their kids trying to get them to eat their dinner –  it was a bold reminder of why we changed that life 10 years ago. It was missing the other parts of us. Our kids. And holy cow – how much I miss them! 😐 It’s been fun, but time to get back to my *actual* life that I miss.

Having tons of time to think was a blessing, but usually makes Steve nervous…..

oh we’ve got some new plans………yes we do……. mwhahahahaaaaaa….. 😉

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